Posted below are GCW results for their 1/15/22 Say What You Will show from the Grand Sports Arena in Chicago, Illinois.
GCW Results 1/15/22 Say You Will
- Scramble: Gringo Loco vs. Dante Leon vs. Dark Sheik vs. Alex Zayne vs. Nick Wayne vs. Ninja Mack. In short Gringo Loco victorious.

- Tony Deppen vs. Mike Bailey. In short Tony Deppen victiorious.

- Blake Christian vs. Bandido. In short Blake Christian victorious.

- ROH World Championship: Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. 2 Cold Scorpio. In short Jonathan Gresham victorious.

- PCO vs. AJ Gray. In short AJ Gray victorious.

- Matthew Justice, Jordan Oliver & One Called Manders vs. 44!Oh (Atticus Cogar, Eddy Only & Gregory Iron). In short Justice, Oliver, Manders victorious.
- Matt Cardona vs. Ricky Morton. In short Ricky Morton victiorious.
Post-match, Cardona and Chelsea Greene attacked Morton post-match with a save from Joey Janella.

- Kylie Rae vs. Allie Katch. In short Allie Katch victorious.
After the match, Allie cuts a promo and is interrupted by Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett hits her with his guitar.

- GCW Tag Team Championships. The Briscoe Brothers (c) vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch & Reed Bentley). In short The Briscoe brothers victorious.

- Markus Crane Tribute 666 Deathmatch: Alex Colon vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. SHLAK (Replaced by Nate Webb). In short Jimmly LLoyd victorious.

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Game Changer Wrestling is an independent professional wrestling promotion based in New Jersey, USA. Some consider GCW to be the biggest independent promotion with events being held in California, Texas, Florida and so much more. Also most notably having their biggest house for their “The WRLD on GCW” event set to take place on January 23rd, 2022. In addition to gaining a steady rise in popularity since the ownership transition from JCW to the now GCW. JCW was relaunched in 2021 by GCW owner Brett Lauderdale as another platform for young, rising GCW and Independent talent.